Weekly Economic Report
Logistics offers "a backstage pass to the world economy," as supply chains continue to impact global production and trade. As the technology platform for global logistics, our Research Team offers valuable and timely insights and analysis incorporating both Flexport and third-party data.
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What to Expect in our Weekly Economic Report

Economic Insights
All Rise
July 25, 2022: The European Central Bank joined the U.S. Fed in hiking rates this past week. It did so to address high and rising inflation, but a key challenge will be dealing with the indebtedness of key member states.

Economic Insights
The Mighty Dollar
July 18, 2022: The U.S. dollar has strengthened in real terms against emerging economies and even more so against advanced economies. The different approaches of central banks in Europe, Japan, and the United States almost certainly has contributed to this swing. Among the economic changes that ensue will be a repricing of trade and an increase in crisis risk.

Economic Insights
Help Wanted
July 11, 2022: While the economy appears to be contracting and retailers worry about increased inventories, the job market in May and June continued to show strength. These hot and cold conflicting signals about the economy are highly unusual.